Cloud for Real Estate : How Real Estate Sector Can Leverage Cloud

The real estate sector has transformed over the past decade, with a younger crowd looking to the Internet to make the first step towards buying a home or property. In order to stay competent and relevant, the real estate sector needs to adopt new technologies. Cloud technology is the right path for those looking to build an online presence with the help of marketing. Thanks to the pandemic, as per the latest research, 80% of top real estate companies have switched their operations to Cloud in one form or another. It could be lead management, customer relationship management, and more.

Here’s how Real Estate Can Benefit From Cloud Computing

  1.   Cost-effective

  2.   Remote Accessibility

  3.   Increased Security

  4.   Data Insights

  5.   Superior Customer Experience

  6.   Timely Upgrades

  7.   Data Recovery

  8.   Better Control of Data

  9.   Enhanced Collaboration

  10.   Disaster Management and Mitigation

1. Cost-Effective

Real estate sector depends on IT more day by day. But having an in-house infrastructure can be highly expensive since it will involve hiring resources and maintaining server and infrastructure costs. But migrating to a cloud can keep the costs to a minimum. The infrastructure used for Cloud is that of the service provider; it offers a pay-as-you-go model.

2. Remote Accessibility

Cloud enables files to be accessible from anywhere and on any device as long as you have a working internet connection. This will help in the real estate sector when carrying out a client visit that will showcase your recent work or upcoming projects as a reference. All the necessary information will be at your fingertips. Cloud also enables staff to be more productive by overcoming disruptions when physical meet is impossible during the pandemic. In such situations, having cloud accessibility makes it faster to communicate with clients in real-time.

3. Increased Security

IT security is a significant concern for most businesses. Implementing robust security can be expensive and challenging with limited budgets. Opting for Cloud can help resolve this. Cloud service providers utilize the most advanced tools to protect data and deploy next-gen firewalls with intrusion and malware protection to keep cybercriminals away from servers and data.

4. Data Insights

Data is an integral part of decision-making in providing insights that can help improve productivity, cost-effectiveness, marketing, web design, and more. Cloud technology helps analyze and centrally manage data by providing insights to drive the business forward. It helps map customer journeys across all touchpoints, ensuring consistent communications. The data also can help pinpoint poorly performing pages so that quick comebacks can be made such that customers stay on the page for longer, which, in turn, helps gain an advantage over competitors.

5. Superior Customer Experience

As per the latest research, 86% of customers are willing to pay more if offered a better customer experience. Migrating to the Cloud provides an added advantage in providing excellent customer experience swiftly and cost-effectively. Using the Cloud helps businesses provide information to buyers and sellers without visiting the premises physically. To take cloud usage to the next level, some real estate agents even offer financial calculation tools, virtual tours, online form fills, customer service chatbots, omnichannel messaging, etc. This helps buyers and sellers make an informed decision and, in the long run, fosters strong relationships that lead to better reviews and online reputations.

6. Timely Upgrades

With cloud computing, the real estate sector does not have to worry about software upgrades. The latest updates are generally taken care of by cloud service providers. This leads to saving on investments that must be done towards maintaining servers and infrastructure that comes with on-premises servers.

7. Data Recovery

Data loss in the Cloud is minimal as cloud service providers store all the data in the Cloud. In case of emergencies, there is no threat of data loss. SMEs generally cannot afford to make considerable investments in allocating budgets toward expensive disaster recovery systems. Cloud computing has helped these businesses to thrive by providing cloud-based storage solutions that help safeguard their data.

8. Better Control of Data

Before the advent of the Cloud, employees had to send files back and forth before zeroing in on the final document. This could lead to errors and reduced accuracy. It would not be evident with multiple file versions being tossed back and forth. However, with cloud computing, multiple users can access the same file from different locations and suggest real-time changes, leading to a reduced error rate.

9. Enhanced Collaboration

Improving collaboration across teams and taking your business on international platforms, overcoming geographical barriers and time zones can be easily handled through cloud computing. Teams from different parts of the world can access the same document from anywhere and collaborate to perform better and more time-efficiently.

10. Disaster Management and Mitigation

Cloud-based technologies are expected to only increase in disaster mitigation and management. The losses incurred by the real estate sector because of natural disasters or other calamities have been an area of concern for quite some time. With cloud-based technologies, disaster management can be handled better and more efficiently, saving lives and minimizing the cost of repair and maintenance.

With the rapid rate at which cloud technology is growing, it has become imperative that all sectors adopt the latest technology to meet consumers’ heightened expectations. The Real Estate sector will need more agile environments to function better. It is now more than essential to move to faster technology like Cloud to achieve business continuity and meet customer expectations to stay competitive and relevant. Compared to 2020, cloud computing increased by 41% in the real estate industry. Job opportunities are also booming because of the integration of cloud technology, making way for new opportunities like Virtual Valuation Advisor and Virtual Leasing Manager, which greatly help during the pandemic. Cloud is how to move forward for any sector, especially in real estate.

Contact us to know how Rapyder can help your business successfully leverage the Cloud.


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